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Friday, November 7, 2008

Who Owns Wallace Silversmiths?

Wallace Silversmiths has been a manufacturer of sterling flatware since the first half of the nineteenth century. Producing popular intricate patterns like Grande Baroque and Rose Point, Wallace has a proud history.

However, during the past 50 years, the company has had some topsy-turvy times.
  • Hamilton Watch Company acquired Wallace Silversmiths in 1959

  • Katy Industries acquired Wallace Silversmiths in 1983

  • Syratech Corporation, which also owned Towle Silversmiths, acquired Wallace Silversmiths in 1986

  • After declaring bankruptcy in 2005, Syratech was acquired by Lifetime Brands in 2006

Occasionally, you will see negative comments regarding Wallace items produced since Syratech bought the company. They seem to imply the quality and/or weight of pieces produced under Syratech ownership is less than for earlier produced pieces. We are not experts in this subject and will not attempt to verify or deny these implications. However, we invite comments from visitors to this blog who might have more information.

By clicking on "Comments" below, you can see posted comments and add your own questions/comments.


Anonymous said...

I have 13 place settings and some serving pieces of Wallace, Stradivari. Who do I contact to sell the set?

Silver Jim said...

We will be happy to review what you have. On the main screen of this blog, click on "View My Complete Profile" in the right column. This will take you to a screen that has an "Email" link.

Click on that link and send us an email with at least this information: the pieces you have, the lengths of the forks and knives and a description of the condition.

We will respond by email. We will be out of town Jan 24 - Feb 7, 2009, so we may be delayed getting back to you.

Also, under "Labels" in the right column, click on "Selling". This will lead you to some articles regarding selling your sterling flatware.


Anonymous said...

What specifics must your firm know in, order to make an offering on flatware?

Silver Jim said...

This is in response to the previous comment attached to this post.

If someone wants us to make an offer to purchase, we need to know:

- Pattern and manufacturer
- Specific pieces and quantity of each (if the proper name of a piece is not known, a description will do)
- Lengths of dinner forks, dinner knives, and salad forks to the nearest 1/8 inch
- Shape of soup spoons (if any) such as round bowl or oval bowl and length
- Description of condition - generally, tarnish and light abrasions from normal use are OK but we need to know about bends, nicks, pits, heavy scratches, etc.
- If there are monograms or other custom engraving

Please don't place this information is a comment attached to a post. Rather, send us an email with the info. You can get to our email address by clicking on "View My Complete Profile" in the right sidebar.

Thanks for asking.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to find information regarding the specific time frames of use for the various wallace marks.
I have a complete set of rose point marked with wallace (the stags head) sterling, and wondered if this mark could narrow the time of production for this specific set.
Thank You for any information you are able to provide.

Silver Jim said...

In response to the previous comment, I understand that Rose Point was introduced in 1934. I have only seen the trade mark you described.

All the recent owners of Wallace kept the trade mark.

Maybe other readers can enlighten us.